Monday, September 14, 2009

My girlfriend and Salvia 3

... I tried to speak but I felt as if I had plastic on my mouth. I couldn't breathe! All of a sudden I realized I didn't have to breathe to exist, that in this universe the tangible things didn't exist, that all the things were pure energy and thought. It is impossible to put in words how fully surrounded by this dimension I was. I couldn't understand the reality I used to know. The energy creatures thought me things, secrets, mysteries. It all seemed so clear to me - the point of existence, the purpose of creation, the meaning of life! I was filled with pure, unadulterated joy when I felt this freedom from physical world. My playground was the infinity, and I felt the safest I ever had been.

As I started to come around, I realized my girlfriend had been talking to me while I was high. I explained to her what just happened. "Damn! You've been out for just a minute or so" she said. I said it felt like I was there for hours. "It looks like you had a great salvia experience! We could do this every weekend." I nodded agreeing and laying back in my seat, relaxed, still shaken up and exhilarated from the experience. "You ok?" she asked. I told her I didn't know. "Want a blowjob?"

I didn't make her ask again.